Finding the square of 333 or 3333 is as simple as to find the
square of 222 or 2222. But in that case you have to multiply a larger number.
Instead we have made it simpler than that of finding 222.
Lets’ take a look:
(333)2 =
110889 ,
(3333)2 = 11108889
(3333)2 = 11108889
[Note: To find out square of 33 or 333 or 3333 keep in mind this – “OZEN’, where
O = One or 1 ; Z = Zero
or 0 ; E = Eight or 8 ; N = Nine or 9.
The number of digit one or 1 and the number digit of eight or
8 will be same and the total number of each of these (1 & 8) digits will be
one less than the number of 3s in the given calculation. Again in the solution
the number of each digits (0 & 9) will be one just as shown in the